Simply Modified Cookbook


Written By: Brie Simons, Speech Pathologist

Over 50 wholefood recipes, each with simple ideas to modify meals for the ease of swallowing. Made to inspire moments of joy with your own mealtime creations.

It’s time to fall in love with food all over again…

Hardcover: 172 Pages
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 22 x 2
Self-Published: May 2023
ISBN: 9780646871998

IDDSI Levels Covered:
7 - Easy to Chew
6 - Soft & Bite Sized
5 - Minced & Moist
4 - Pureed



“Thank you so much for your cookbook. It's beautiful, so well put together, and so informative, as well as drool-inducing with those recipes.”

“I will definitely share this with pleasure with those I feel will benefit from it (which really could be anyone, but especially those you have specifically written it for).”

“Thanks so much for our copy of Simply Modified! The recipes look delicious and the book is simply stunning!”